Just a quick post today to show you my newest hat. I bought some loop-d-loop granite yarn about a month ago when my mother was in town for a visit with a plan to knit an entirely different hat. In fact, that's exactly what I did. I knit up the hat, then my sister took one look at it and immediately told me it was a hippie hat. Now, I don't really have anything against "hippie hats", in fact, I don't truly even know what that is. It's just that after she said that, I felt like I needed to have dreadlocks in order to properly sport the hat. So, I ripped it out.
Then, I decided on another hat. This time, I would just make up my own pattern. With no real plan, I just started knitting it and decreasing at what I thought were intervals that made sense. Bad idea. I just ended up with a hat that had no real design, because it actually didn't have a design. So, I ripped it out.
Finally, I found a free pattern for this hat on Ravelry, and thought it was perfect. It has vintage styling, but I also loved adding the big, yellow button to brighten it up a bit.
My next task will be to find the perfect brown plaid coat to pair with the hat, and perhaps I'll need to make a cowl from the same cozy yarn.